Uniwersytet w Siedlcach

dr K Odyniec

W czerwcu 2024 roku dr Katarzyna Odyniec w ramach programu mobilności Erasmus+  odwiedziła Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas w Funchal na Maderze (Portugalia). Poprowadziła tam trzy wykłady dla studentów ISAL, o tematyce kulturowej oraz jeden dotyczący specyfiki prowadzenia badań jakościowych:

1. Local identity (re)built on the cultural heritage of the region
  • The disappearing culture and language of Southern Podlasie (eastern Poland)
  • Mosaic of cultures, religions and languages - the multicultural character of
  • Southern Podlasie (eastern Poland)
  • ‘To forget’ because it is safer - social forgetting as a strategy of the post-war
  • generation of Poles
  • ‘Awakenings’ - contemporary attempts to save regional cultural heritage
2. Tourism based on cultural heritage - hope, development and future of the

  • Activities of the Network of Workshops of Vanishing Professions
  • Activities of the Husinka People's University
  • Sapieha Fair in Kodeń
  • Slow-tourism in the Zaborek Uroczysko
3. Where is the boundary between identity and the tourist product
  • Tatars, ‘Bearded Men’, Uniates and ‘People from Here’ - who are they today?
  • If not a museum, then what?
  • What can (still) be saved and what have we already lost?
4. Qualitative research in the local environment - how to do it without going

  • The importance of qualitative research in the social sciences
  • Research triangulation - why is it worth having different perspectives?
  • Researcher's diaries - underestimated autobiographical value
  • Practice makes perfect - tools, computer software and mobile apps,
  • equipment and useful advice